The Power of Music Diplomacy: a “Rock Diplomacy” Experiment in Argentina 2007-09
Recently, the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training asking me to write up the experiment in “rock diplomacy” that we undertook in embassy Buenos Aires when I was Ambassador in 2007-2009. We drew upon the mutual love of “rock” (and other popular) music between Argentines and Americans to help build bonds and overcome deep anti-American sentiment in Argentina at that time.
We took advantage of the tremendous popularity of American music among Argentines, the willingness of visiting US musicians to partner with us to embrace local youth, and the bonding powers of music to help move beyond differences and open space for dialogue. Music became one important facilitating tool in work to achieve our embassy’s public diplomacy objectives, and I got a nickname as a “rock ambassador,” which Secretary Clinton used when swearing me in as ambassador to Mexico in 2011.
We took advantage of the tremendous popularity of American music among Argentines, the willingness of visiting US musicians to partner with us to embrace local youth, and the bonding powers of music to help move beyond differences and open space for dialogue. Music became one important facilitating tool in work to achieve our embassy’s public diplomacy objectives, and I got a nickname as a “rock ambassador,” which Secretary Clinton used when swearing me in as ambassador to Mexico in 2011.